(Cobalt) Blue Mood
¦¦ Those who know me know that I physically warm up easily. That is to say, my body needs to be around cooler air to feel comfortable at the best of times. I hate long sleeve shirts, I always feel too warm in them. Two weeks ago it was still cold in Edmonton – tonight, at 12:20 am MDT, it’s 15C (60F) outside, and I’m in my home, feeling too warm already, and it’s only April. This seems to be getting worse every year. The bedroom fan is back in business.
¦¦ Geoff sent this link about the tourism industry in Toronto getting hammered because of the SARS scare. The World Health Organization has advised travellers to postpone all but essential travel to Toronto. This warning does not bode well for the forthcoming joint Canadian Library Association/American Library Association Conference, to be held in Toronto, 19th-25th of June, 2003. 20,000 attendees are expected. The City of Toronto is working hard to assure visitors that the risk of contracting SARS when visiting is extremely low.
¦¦ PLEASE go to this entry on Tonya’s site, and look at EVERY photograph of these properties in Santa Fe NM. I want to go there now. I want the one with the porch light at dusk. I like this bedroom, and want this or this in my backyard, and this in my bathroom, and this for a workspace.
¦¦ I’m getting bored with the layout of my website again. Don’t know what to do to change it, but I don’t have the energy to do much at this time. Hell, I should be asleep now as it is.
¦¦ Moveable Type has announced the forthcoming launch of TypePad. More details are here.
¦¦ I saw someone today who made my world a better place for a little while.
April 24th, 2003 at 12:52
what are you doing up at 2AM??
April 24th, 2003 at 13:35
Losing myself in blogging as a distraction from feeling alone. It was 1:00AM, actually, I think the clock is screwed up in my MT settings. I’m checking…nope, it’s set for Mountain Time. Don’t know why it thinks it’s Central Time. So I’ve changed the setting to Pacific Time, in hopes that MT will think it’s in the Mountain Time Zone. Oh, and Jen: THANK YOU FOR POSTING SOMETHING!!! 🙂
April 24th, 2003 at 13:44
If you think Edmonton is hot in the summer…you wouldn’t like New Mexico. But it’s just fabulous in the winter. We were walking around in shirt sleeves in January in Albuquerque and a sweater higher up in Santa Fe.
April 24th, 2003 at 23:36
dude, its our server’s time that is off. i have to edit it every time i post. bastards!