Gotta Get My Stuff Done
:: I have been off work since December 18th, with the exception of December 20th. I had planned to do some major house cleaning and purging, but have made it through part of one room only. I was back at work today, in the sub-zero, bone-numbing city in which I live.
Derryl sent a link to this short animation, Gotta Get My Stuff Done, which while funny, also illustrates in the simplest of presentations, how we can rationalize not doing the stuff that needs to be done.
January 5th, 2005 at 01:43
HA! I’ve still got five more days of indolence left before me!
Then again, I’ve got an itchy feeling that it is a cruel semester which I am approaching, so prehaps I would be better off starting it NOW and getting it over with as quickly as possible…
And I’m going to keep my ears peeled for opportunities to tell my class mates “your ignorance makes me ill and angry.” Glen and I are still trying to figure out how the change in that guy’s crainial size at the end didn’t result in some sort of crainial haemorraging. Going from the world’s worst case of Hydrocephalus to normalacy in under five seconds must have caused *some* kind of visible damage.
January 5th, 2005 at 18:51
thanks for the animation link. I love it!