Moving Through Tar (2)
There are more changes tonight. Check out the Comedy page; what you see is the look I am after, for now anyway. I couldn’t get the code to work, specifically to make the fonts smaller. With my limited knowledge of CSS, I created two more div classes, or something(!), and now it’s working. This involved some cutting and pasting, but I like the page now. All I’m after is some base functionality (as defined by me – don’t ask, OK?)
Also, you are seeing subtle changes that are being implemented after mulling over suggestions from Keith and Geoff. My thanks to them both. Expect further changes, colour for example. Keith is feeding me information that is helping with presentation. Regardless, I’m liking what I see so far. I may make it to bed tonight before 2330 hrs.
If you’re in town and you want to see a great local singer/songwriter, please check out Ann Vriend on Friday night at Bonnie Doon Hall. I’ll be there, and yes, she’s worth it – an amazing talent who can craft great songs and deliver them with a great voice.
October 12th, 2002 at 10:14
Randy- I was just looking at your comedy page. V. impressive links. I put the URL to the UofA libraries home page in the “Dialectizer” and set it to Swedish Chef- that is the funniest freaking thing I have seen in a long time! K