• Derryl Murphy's Homepage - Edmonton sf writer, editor, and photographer, ConText'89 organizer, good friend
  • Stephen R George, Horror Author - home page of Winnipeg horror writer Stephen R George, who is also an old friend from the days of "Decadent Winnipeg Fandom"
  • Bill MacLoughlin - a friend made in residence in 1976, he lingers on today, an example of a class act, gentleman and scholar
  • Stu Gilson - once a lowly member of Decadent Winnipeg Fandom - now, a professor at Harvard. How the mighty have fallen! ;-)
  • Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk - brilliant award-winning artist, all around nice person, and wife of some guy I know.
  • We-Almost-Got-It-Right-This-Time Industries - home of photographer, world travelling ESL teacher, and all around nice guy, Keith Fenske
  • Darcy Sharman - a 2000 grad of the U of A SLIS (School of Library and Information Science), she is off to conquer the Floridian library world.
  • Peter Ryan - once identified as as "Emerging Poet" of Edmonton (well, that's what I read in the Edmonton Journal!), Peter is the brother of my friend and colleague, Pam Ryan.
  • Robert Runté - an old and dear friend, who teaches at the University of Lethbridge. Note that this page leads to many more of Robert's writings.
  • Georges' Photolog - from Georges Giguere, good friend, he has boundless energy and technical skills on par with the best, and a good heart.
    See Also...
  • James Lileks - author, columnist, radio talk-show host; worth checking out if only for the Institute of Official Cheer
Last updated on 25 january 2008