It’s Been A Long Time…
Posted in Chester D Cuthbert, Law & Order | UK on April 9th 2009 by Randy Reichardt.: Indeed. My apologies for not having posted for over two months. A combination of things has kept me from blogging including in no particular order: more time on Facebook (enjoying that) and Twitter (not so much), trips here and there (San Diego, Boca Raton, Winnipeg), work stuff, and condo board issues up the ying yang. The trips involved two meetings. I attended that Standards Publishing Advisory Board meeting in San Diego in late January, and met with senior adminstrative staff at CRC Press in Boca Raton in mid-March. Each time I left cold and snow weather for moderate-to-warm temperatures and ocean breezes in each city, and loved it, even if I was indoors most of the time.
The so-called jet-setting continues this weekend, when I fly to San Francisco for my 5th Materials Research Society meeting since April 2007. I sit on three advisory boards or subcommittees, and will attend meetings on Tue and Wed next week there. But I fly on Saturday, and will see an old friend when I arrive and spend some time with her and her young daughter. I’ll also spend time with another recently-made acquaintance on Monday, before all the business stuff begins. I return on 15 April, and then two weeks later fly to NYC for another library advisory group meeting organized by Begell House. Two days later, on 01 May, I’ll move over to The Leo House again, and stay for until the 11th. The only snag is that because I booked late with The Leo House, I’ll have to check in and out and in again three times in those 10 days, unless someone cancels in the next couple weeks and I can get a different room. I’ll return to Edmonton on 11 May, then fly to Boca Raton again on 15 May for a meeting with CRC Press again, but this time it will be as a member of their Library Advisory Board.
I am a member of five library advisory boards/groups/committees at the moment: the aforementioned three organizations or publishers, as well as Knovel and SPIE. It keeps me busy professionally and results in a few trips to far-away places from time to time.
.: In February I had the honour of travelling to Winnipeg to attend and speak at the memorial service of Chester D Cuthbert. Chester was a kind and gentle soul, who opened his house in the mid-70s to a bunch of local geekboys eventually known as Decadent Winnipeg Fandom. We all read and collected science fiction, and published our own fanzines, and Chester’s home became our clubhouse during those years. Chester was 96 – he lived a long and good life, and touched the lives of hundreds of others along the way. In a previous post I mentioned that I had been working on creating a Finding Aid for his personal archives. I was able to complete this project in early January, in time for the appraisal of the sf- and fantasy-content of his extensive book collection, which we at the University of Albert had obtained on donation in October 2007. I helped spread the word about Chester’s passing to appropriate outlets, such as Mike Glyer’s File 770. Locus plans to run something about Chester in its upcoming issue. Chris Rutkowski, a friend and fellow collector from Winnipeg, wrote a fitting tribute to Chester following his passing. Chester was a friend, a mentor, a guide, an inspiration. During his last two years, I had the good fortune of reconnecting with his son, Ray, whom I had met in the 1970s, as well as meeting for the first time his other children, and at his memorial service, his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Chester will be missed, but his impact on our lives will never be forgotten. Each of books from his collection will feature a bookplate with his picture and the caption, “The Chester D Cuthbert Collection.” Thanks for everything, Chester!
.: In case you’ve been wondering what Captain Lee Adama has been doing since the end of BSG, and if you thought you’ve seen every possible spin-off of Law & Order, check this out. I’ve watched the first six episodes, and the show rocks. Plus, Freema Agyeman plays the young prosecutor, and I have such a crush on her (ever since Dr Who, you see…) Thank the Lord for bittorrents.
.: I will try to write again soon. Meanwhile, please check Bill Janovitz‘s ongoing musical series, Cover of the Week – he’s up to #23 already! Check out Flickr to see me wearing one of Bill’s “Part Time Man of Rock” t-shirt. Buy one for the kiddies or your BFF.