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Notes from New York (3)

Posted in NYC on November 4th 2002 by Randy Reichardt

Just left Joe’s Pub, where I saw Al Franken perform an hour of brilliant standup. Most of his bits were related to the US election, which is tomorrow. We applauded afterwards until he returned for an encore, for which he admitted he was not prepared. Backstage I heard him say to someone that maybe one time before in his career did he receive an encore ovation. It was deserved. I’m currently reading his book Oh, The Things I Know, and afterwards he autographed my copy, and allowed a picture to be taken of us both. He’s a stand up guy (no pun intended). Now I’m off to see Tully (the movie).

Notes from New York (2)

Posted in NYC on November 4th 2002 by Randy Reichardt

Returned from New Haven last night. Before I left I realized I’d lost my nice cotton sweatshirt, most likely left it at The Oakdale Theater, where we’d seen Yes the night before. *sigh* Once in NY I headed straight to Barbara and Anthony’s house to retrieve my suitcase. Anthony invited me to come with him to the guitar shop district on 48th Street, dominated by Sam Ash’s stores. I tried a few guitars while he exchanged foot pedal units.

I checked into the Leo House shortly afterwards, settled in, and went to see Secretary, the new James Spader/Maggie Gyllenhaal movie. Gyllenhaal, brother sister of Jake, plays a young woman recently released from what appears to be a psychiatric hospital, recovering from whatever mental problems she has (she likes to cut herself, among other things). She attended typing school, and applies for a job at Spader’s law office (he’s a solo practioner). From there the movie moves slowly into their mutual discovery of the pleasures of S&M. Spader, the King of Creepiness, never goes over the top into Very Strange Territory, and Gyllenhaal is a revelation to watch, as she slowly discovers a side of her she didn’t know existed. These two are made for each other. At times the movie is so quiet (scenes in which Spader literally whispers his commands) that you must strain to hear what is being said. This movie is not for everyone, and while I enjoyed it, it could have been about 20 minutes shorter.
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