September 12
Posted in Random Thoughts on September 12th 2003 by Randy Reichardt:: September 12th, “The Day After” for many people, I suppose, is a significant day in my life. It’s my father’s birthday, the birthday of another very close friend, and the day in 1983 I was hired to work at the SciTech Library, where I remain to this day. For me Sept 12 is always a day of celebration.
:: What a sad morning, however. I woke up to learn that Johnny Cash and John Ritter both passed away overnight. Ritter’s death was a shock, as he appeared to be in fine health when he collapsed on the set of his television show. Cash’s death resonates through the music industry – his influence and impact was and is immeasurable. What other artist, late in his or her career, would cover Soundgarden and Nine Inch Nails? He is already sadly missed.