Posted in Mixed Bag Special on February 9th 2005 by Randy Reichardt:: I haven’t been blogging a lot lately here, more so on STLQ. (I’ve been asked to speak on a blogging panel at the Canadian Library Association Conference in Calgary in June, 2005.) Lack of inspiration and other things, heavy workload, etc. I’m also trying to catch up on e-mails dating back to last fall, and found a few items that may be of interest, some or all of which may be old news to you already.
- wwiTV: World Wide Internet TV, “an index to streaming media available on the web.”
- MSN Spaces: MSN has its own blog service, to compete with Blogger.
- – the Edmonton Moblog Community. “It’s a weblog of photos taken by Edmontonians with their camera-phone & digital cameras sent via MMS or email to this website.” MMS means multimedia messaging service, and not owning a cell phone, I’m not surprised that I don’t know what MMS is.
- The Pew Internet & American Life Project has released a number of interest reports of late, including The State of Blogging, The Future of the Internet, A decade of adoption: How the internet has woven itself into American life, and Artists, Musicians and the Internet.
- “ allows you to search the web for video and audio clips. Unlike other search providers, not only lets you search using standard keyword and Boolean queries but you can also use conceptual search. This type of search is provided by blinkx only, and allows you to enter normal text for which will return results whose content is conceptually similar to your search text.”
More to come.