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New Look

Posted in Blogging, Thesis Theme on March 18th 2010 by Randy Reichardt

.: I haven’t much time as I type, but wanted to let you know about the new look for the blog. On the advice of Mr Brad Grier, techno-wizard and all-around good person, I have upgraded to the Thesis theme, and plan to do further modifications, time permitting in the next few weeks. I believe this new look will help me get back into blogging on a more regular basis than recently.

The Huffington Blog

Posted in Blogging on May 11th 2005 by Randy Reichardt

:: Mike sent an e-mail reminding me that Arianna Huffington‘s new blog debuted this week on the web. It gained notoriety weeks before it began, when it was announced that the blog, part of the new web site, The Huffington Post, and known simply as “The Blog“, would feature up to 300 “celebrity” bloggers, including the following who have already contributed brief entries: Larry David, Walter Cronkite, Tina Brown, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Brad Hall, Mike Nichols, John Cusack, Ellen DeGeneres, David Mamet, Harry Shearer, Paul Krassner, and David Frum. The group (so far) leans heavily to the left, and features mostly members of the entertainment industry. I love John Cusack (I want to BE John Cusack!), but I’m not sure what qualifies him and the others from film, tv, and music, to be blog columnists. Then again, doesn’t that define blogs – anyone can write about anything at any time, without the worry of a deadline or an editor? In this instance, the posts are edited, according to Mike, but I can’t find anything on the site to confirm this.

One thing missing from the blog are comments – readers cannot respond to the posts. Another section of The Post, The News Wire, does allow comments. It’s unfortunate that comments are not allowed on the blog. Comments on blogs are what make them interactive and worth revisiting. Comments make a blog lively and challenging by allowing for discussion and discourse.

I was talking recently with colleagues who like myself, contribute library-related blogs to the field. There are many good blogs covering many different aspects of librarianship. That said, I wondered out loud if we are approaching the moment where library blogs experience some kind of dot-com bust, wherein we reach a critical mass, and the library blogosphere does a self-correction, and reduces in size. Might the same thing happen to other subject-related blog communities?

My Bloglines feeds currently number 143 – there is no way I can keep up with following most of them. Arianna Huffington has created a community blog, with up to 300 handpicked contributors, perhaps the highest profile blog of its type. Will it be possible to keep up with so many contributors, or will it be easier because all are contributing to the same site?

The politics notwithstanding, I’ll be interested to see how this new template of a blog is received, and how it will develop. If only she would add comments to the mix.

Also published on

Comment Problems

Posted in Blogging on April 25th 2005 by Randy Reichardt

:: I’ve learned today that the comment function on my blogs isn’t working. Comments can be submitted successfully, but never reach the site for approval. I’m working to repair the problem asap. My apologies to those who have posted messages and may have thought I was late to approve them, or was deleting them.

:: Update: Comment function is working again. Thanks to Tony for his help in solving the comment problem, as well as Demonsurfer on the MT-Blacklist Forum for suggestions on how to solve the problem.


Posted in Blogging, House, Music on April 10th 2005 by Randy Reichardt

:: No, no, not the play currently running on Broadway, as much as I’d like to see it. (The web site is hilarious!) Maybe it will still be playing in the fall when I return to NYC (dates yet to be determined, trip yet to be confirmed.) I’ve been fighting a steady battle with blog spammers lately. The amount of spam targetting blogs is torrential. After Tony advised that my comment function wasn’t working, I upgraded to MT-Blacklist 2.04b a couple weeks back, and in the time it took to upload and install the necessary files, I was hit with over 100 comment and trackback spam. Even with 2.04b installed, I’ve been moderating and deleting hundreds of blogspam a week.

Until a few minutes ago, MT-Blacklist had blocked 34,932 spam on my site since its reinstallation, and for that, I bow in a southwest direction towards California and give thanks to Jay Allen for creating the program. Earlier today while checking my sites, I noticed the new link to “Introducing SpamLookup.” Desparate for anything to improve the situation, I read Jay’s entry, and immediately went to Brad Choate’s site, downloaded, unzipped and installed the gobbler, and I’ll be damned if it doesn’t work brilliantly. I have had NO spam since it was installed this morning. I bow for a second time in the same direction. Thank you, Brad, for writing this program, and thank you Jay, for letting us know.

BTW, ever notice that the plural of spam seems to be spam? Who made that decision? I’ve never seem a statement that read something like, “I’ve been receiving a lot of spams lately.”

:: I played guitar today at Amelia’s annual spring tea, including a few songs with her, and a few with her group, The Harvest Moon Fiddlers. Next Sunday we have a gig in Smoky Lake.

:: It took me half a century, but on the weekend, I bought my first one of these. I feel like such a guy’s guy now. What’s next, NASCAR? Meanwhile, the house renos continue. Floor screws were drilled into the floor by the front door entrance to help reduce floor squeeking. It seems to have helped somewhat. Next, the purchase of 70 feet of MDF baseboard.

Comment Fuction Working Again

Posted in Blogging on April 4th 2005 by Randy Reichardt

:: Thanks to Tony and Jen for letting me know that the comment fuction wasn’t working properly. I downloaded and installed MT Blacklist 2.04b, and all seems well again.

The State of the Sphere

Posted in Blogging on March 17th 2005 by Randy Reichardt

:: Via Rafael’s site, a link to David Sifry’s “State of The Blogosphere, March 2005, Part 1: Growth of Blogs“. He reports that Technorati is tracking >7.8 million blogs and 937 million links. The Technorati site as of just now lists 7,945,854 weblogs watched, and 950,635,179 links tracked. The blogosphere has increased in size 16 times in the past 20 months, and ~30,000 – 40,000 new blogs are being created daily. It’s not all good, Sifry reports, as part of the growth can be attributed to spam blogs.