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Code Away, Thankfully

Posted in Uncategorized on October 13th 2002 by Randy Reichardt

Please forgive the look of the entries at this time. I’m working towards adding code from the Scriptygoddess site that allows for expansion and collapsing comments and additional text. When I input the code and rebuild the index page, it looks like what you are seeing. What’s weird is that I also input the code into my test site,, and it seems to work there fine. So the main site will look like this for a little while until this problem is solved.

In Canada, it is Thanksgiving today. Earlier this summer, I read Dennis Prager’s book, Happiness is a Serious Problem. Gratitude is discussed in some detail, and he suggests taking an inventory of the things for which you are grateful, and can give thanks. Here is my list: great family and fantastic friends, food on my table, kindness and smiles from others, a great job with great colleagues, good health, the laughter and love of children, love of music and movies, kind and loving parents, living in a great city in a great country, the opportunity to travel in my job and to meet new and interesting people and see new cities, living in a democratic country, a great boss, freedom to move about without fear, freedom to change and to ask questions without fear of reprisal, the ability to play guitar, having had good teachers, a brother who is kind and a caring friend, a good health care system, neighbours who are decent and responsible, the deep satisfaction felt on my job when I help students with their research, my Mom’s butterscotch pie…

There are so many more entries I can make for such a list. Even having the chance to write about this in my blog is a gift. Someone out there (the Trotts in this case) wrote code that I use to write this – amazing. And to you reading this: Happy (Canadian) Thanksgiving to you, and my sincere thanks for reading my entry! 🙂
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