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65, Which Means It’s Official Now

Posted in Miscellaneous on June 28th 2018 by Randy Reichardt

.: I’ll keep it brief this time. I was born at 01:05 in Winnipeg MB on 28 June 1953. Which means that today I am officially a senior citizen. It is a very strange, surreal feeling. To be sure, I don’t feel that different from when I was 18, except that my body isn’t what it used to be – a few ailments and medical conditions, but I’m still alive and kicking so far, and just as immature as I was back then.

I lost a dear friend two weeks ago. He passed suddenly, without warning. He was 64. When such an event happens, it puts things into perspective. Life is short, precious, and should be lived to its fullest. I don’t practice the latter to the degree I should, but I’m always working on it. So today I’m grateful for being alive, for having great friends, colleagues, and family, and for living in Edmonton and Canada, and for being able to retire last year on a more-than-decent pension.

I’m now in that “65 and older” category, the last one you can choose on surveys and questionnaires. I refuse to read magazines aimed at my age cohort, I simply cannot relate to them and what they publish.

Meanwhile, onward, into the unknown.

Time To Go

Posted in Miscellaneous on April 20th 2017 by Randy Reichardt

.: In late Fall 2016, after much thought and consideration, I decided to retire from the University of Alberta Libraries on 30 June 2017, two days after my 64th birthday. I did not have a moment of clarity or a revelatory instant. It just seemed to evolve naturally. June 30th is the end of the University of Alberta’s calendar year, which makes it easy to ensure that my holidays are used up by that time. It’s two days after my birthday, and it’s a Friday before a long weekend in Canada – a perfect setup for ending my career and walking out the door (but not necessarily for the last time.) When I leave, I will have worked at the U of A for 33 years and 9.5 months, approximately. A decent run, if you ask me.

My position was advertised recently, with a closing date of 28 April 2017. That a position is being advertised while the departing staff member is still working here is unprecedented in our system. To date I know of at least one person who will be applying for the job.

I gave my notice at the beginning of January 2017, and yesterday, the shit got real: I received my Universities Academic Pension Plan documents, which need to be completed for me to start receiving a pension in July 2017. There’s no turning back now. 🙂

I have no major plans for my post-retirement life just yet. I am confident that activities and new passions will evolve in due time. I have consulted with friends and colleagues, and have received much good advice and guidance.

I will leave my job, my career, at the highest level: I love my job, my supervisor and colleagues, and my many contacts in the Faculty of Engineering, including countless professors and students, both undergrad and grad. I have been blessed to have had this position for such a long time. I am a lucky man.

Before I go, I’ll be in NYC next week for my final meeting with the Knovel Engineering Academic Solutions Library Advisory Board, and two weeks before I leave I will be in Phoenix for my final SLA conference. I am looking forward to sleeping in, reading, catching up on movies and television, mucking about in my flower beds, and decompressing.


Posted in Miscellaneous on June 28th 2016 by Randy Reichardt

.: So it’s time for what amounts to my annual blog post. I started blogging in 2002, way before social media took off, and since the emergence of Facebook, Twitter, etc., my interest in maintaining a separate blog has certainly waned.

That said, today is Birthday 63 for me. At this point it’s just a number, really, yet at the same time, it’s a number that’s difficult to process. When I was young, 40, never mind 63, seemed like an ancient age to me. Now I’m close to qualifying for numerous senior discounts, but in no way, shape, or form do I ever *wish* to acknowledge that I’m almost a senior citizen. Sheesh. At the same time, reaching 63 years is an accomplishment, isn’t it?

I remain ever grateful for many things: the country, province, and city in which I live, my family, my great friends, relatives, and colleagues, and going to bed each night safe, sheltered, and not hungry.  I take none of these things for granted and feel extremely fortunate to be in my position in this life.

I have health issues: Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure,  hypothyroidism, osteoarthritis in various locations, general anxiety disorder, occasional arrhythmia, etc. Sucks to get old, to have your body start to unravel. Fortunately I live in Canada, where universal health care reigns, and I receive the best health care available.

An example of such health care was experience by my family recently. While visiting Calgary, my Mother fell down a short flight of stairs and cracked her skull. She required neurosurgery twice to evacuate blood and relieve pressure on her brain, which had shift 1.5 cm to the left. She had had a subdural and then epidural hematomas. Three days ago, she was flown from Calgary to Winnipeg in a private jet, with three EMTs on board, in addition to the pilot. My father followed the next day on a commercial flight. Cost for all of this so far: $0.00. I can’t fathom what this would have cost if we lived in the USA and had no insurance.

I’ve worked at the University of Alberta’s Science & Technology Library since Sept 1983, and could retire at any time. I’m still not sure when I will do that. Perhaps in 2017, I don’t know just yet. I’m very grateful for my career as an academic engineering librarian.

When I was 18, I imagined myself married by the time I was 26 (same age my Dad was when he married), living in Winnipeg somewhere, with a couple kids, a house, white picket fence, etc. It never materialized, for various reasons. I often lament having never married or having children, but there is no turning back the clock. Now in my 60s, I find myself sifting through memories of the 60s and 70s all too often, as if that period was an age of innocence. Funny that those memories seem more nostalgic to me than Edmonton memories, given that I lived in Winnipeg for 25 years and in Edmonton for almost 37 years.

Regrets? I’ve had a few.

I am extremely fortunate to have had amazing parents who are still rockin’ in the free world. Mom is 83.5 and Dad will be 90 in September.

Forgive my meanderings and musings. It’s a good day to be alive.

You Can’t Take It With You

Posted in Miscellaneous on October 29th 2014 by Randy Reichardt

.: I am in the midst of my 27th trip to NYC. Ostensibly, the reason I came this time was to attend a Knovel Library Advisory Board meeting, which happened on Monday and Tuesday this week. Now it’s Wednesday morning, and I’m preparing to check out of the hotel and move to the Upper East Side (East 91st Street) for the next four days.

Last night I saw this play, and really enjoyed it. I especially loved Annaleigh Ashford‘s performance. Annaleigh plays Betty on Masters of Sex. She plays Rose Byrne’s sister, and her character dreams of being a dancer, so most of her moves on stage are that of a ballerina. Clearly she had taken ballet lessons, because she moved easily and fluidly back and forth, to extremes that had the audience roaring with laughter.

I’ve also seen two movies: Gone Girl and Birdman (Or: The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance.) One of the fascinating aspects of Birdman is that the movie is made to appear as one continuous shot.

Tonight it’s dinner at Strip House with my friend, Barbara.

Upcoming on Friday, I’ll be spending most of the day with my friend, Nisa. We will go to Roosevelt Island, have dinner, watch the Village Halloween Parade, and then we’re going on the Haunted Halloween Walk, which is probably one of these. Saturday night it’s the Justin Hayward concert, then home on Sunday morning.

LaGuardia Side Bar

Posted in Miscellaneous on September 28th 2013 by Randy Reichardt

I want to tell you this story, not because I was the Good Samaritan here, but because it’s an example of how we must treat someone we meet who is in distress. I think I’m writing it more for me so I can remember exactly what happened.

I arrived at LaGuardia on a flight from Edmonton via Minneapolis around 17:00 this afternoon. While waiting for my luggage, I hit the restroom for a moment, and when I returned, I noticed a fellow passenger fussing about with her luggage, which was a large hiker’s-type backpack and a couple of other smaller bags, likely made of linen and string, to hold clothing. As I got closer, I noticed that her backpack was in really bad shape, parts of it torn badly, and she was unfolding what appeared to be (and was) a sleeping bag that was damaged beyond repair. Other clothing and a towel were on the ground, soaking wet.

I started to talk to her, and she showed me all the damage done to her belongings – a section of her backpack had been shredded, severing a pocket and losing its contents, and busting the buckles that connect it together. Her bath towel was soaked and filthy, her sleeping bag destroyed, and the backpack in really rough shape, probably damaged beyond repair as well. The cuffs of a nice sweater had also been shredded. She started crying as she explained that this was basically her entire belongings – she was coming to NYC to work on a tall ship for six weeks before returning to the west coast, and everything here was what she needed to live on the boat for the duration. She told me her name was Alea, and that she didn’t know what to do now.

I asked her where she was headed, and she said Yonkers by way of Grand Central Station. She wasn’t sure how she’d get to GCS – I told her I’d help with that. Then I said I’d check with Delta Baggage to ask for assistance. I found the desk, but they were busy, so I went back and motioned her over. When she started talking with the Delta customer rep, she broke down crying again. The Delta rep listened closely, treated her with respect and dignity, and was brilliant and caring – she took all her information, asked her for estimates of the worth of the damaged goods, and her contact information. The Delta rep confirmed that she would be fully reimbursed for her losses.

I told Alea that I would take care of getting her to Grand Central Station. I had booked a car to take me to my destination on E91 Street when I arrived, so I called Carmel Car Service and told them that I had another passenger who needed to be driven to GCS, and that I would pay for her ride. (It was a pittance of an additional amount.)

After she settled with Delta, the rep came around the desk and gave her a big hug! We went out to the centre island and while waiting for the car, chatted quite a bit. She told me about how excited she was to come here to work on this tall ship, where she would be teaching children about environmental stewardship, sailing, and many other things. Finally the car arrived, we continued sharing stories, and eventually dropped me off at my destination. We hugged each other and I told her everything would be ok. She couldn’t stop thanking me, and I told her I was obligated by Canadian law to help people in situations like hers.

Pay it forward, my friends. It feels SO good when do can help someone else through a miserable moment in their lives, even if you don’t know them.

Monsoon Season In Edmonton.

Posted in Miscellaneous on July 15th 2013 by Randy Reichardt