Dishwasher Heaven
Posted in House, Web 2.0 on April 2nd 2006 by Randy Reichardt.: A few days ago my dishwasher conked out. It is at least 14 years old, and probably not worth repairing (again.) So I went to Sears Home today, and purchased a new one. It is scheduled to be delivered and installed on Friday.
.: A few sites of interest:
- Web 2.0 Awards – while I am already tired of the phrase “Web 2.0“, it is here to stay, and serves to describe the evolution from the early, platform-based web to the current version, wherein the user creates content online, using web-based products rather than the desktop. Included in this are blogs, wikis, bookmarkings, mapping, RSS, web development and design, peer-to-peer networks, music, and much more. SOEmoz, a company in Seattle, created the awards:
It seems clear that Web 2.0 has caught the attention of entrepreneurs and pundits alike, so we set out to see what the meme had to offer: first to collect, then to classify, and finally to calculate the best of the best. We surveyed over 300 sites and sorted them into more than 30 categories. Then, from the biggest categories we selected the top three projects and ranked them based on their usability, usefulness, social aspects, interface & design, and content quality.
The short version of the awards is here. What’s great about this project is that you can check a site of interest, learn why it is what it is, and decide whether or not to pursue it yourself.
- Unnecessary Censorship – a weekly bit from the Jimmy Kimmel, this one highlighting the Super Bowl; very funny stuff.
- The 9-11 Truth Movement – an article from a recent Village Voice. Don’t know what to make of this. Conspiracy theorists eat this stuff up all the time. But who knows?
- How to Subscribe to TV Shows Using The Democracy Player, Bittorrent, and RSS
- This Starbucks commercial has been running in the States for some time, but hasn’t played in Canada. It is brilliant and side-splittingly funny.