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Dishwasher Heaven

Posted in House, Web 2.0 on April 2nd 2006 by Randy Reichardt

.: A few days ago my dishwasher conked out. It is at least 14 years old, and probably not worth repairing (again.) So I went to Sears Home today, and purchased a new one. It is scheduled to be delivered and installed on Friday.

.: A few sites of interest:

  • Web 2.0 Awards – while I am already tired of the phrase “Web 2.0“, it is here to stay, and serves to describe the evolution from the early, platform-based web to the current version, wherein the user creates content online, using web-based products rather than the desktop. Included in this are blogs, wikis, bookmarkings, mapping, RSS, web development and design, peer-to-peer networks, music, and much more. SOEmoz, a company in Seattle, created the awards:

    It seems clear that Web 2.0 has caught the attention of entrepreneurs and pundits alike, so we set out to see what the meme had to offer: first to collect, then to classify, and finally to calculate the best of the best. We surveyed over 300 sites and sorted them into more than 30 categories. Then, from the biggest categories we selected the top three projects and ranked them based on their usability, usefulness, social aspects, interface & design, and content quality.

    The short version of the awards is here. What’s great about this project is that you can check a site of interest, learn why it is what it is, and decide whether or not to pursue it yourself.

  • Unnecessary Censorship – a weekly bit from the Jimmy Kimmel, this one highlighting the Super Bowl; very funny stuff.
  • The 9-11 Truth Movement – an article from a recent Village Voice. Don’t know what to make of this. Conspiracy theorists eat this stuff up all the time. But who knows?
  • How to Subscribe to TV Shows Using The Democracy Player, Bittorrent, and RSS
  • This Starbucks commercial has been running in the States for some time, but hasn’t played in Canada. It is brilliant and side-splittingly funny.

RSS Clusterf***

Posted in Movable, RSS, Type, WordPress on December 6th 2005 by Administrator

.: I’ve spent upwards of 6 hours today trying to understand why the RSS feeds for PBD and STLQ seem to have imploded. The “old” PBD, until a few hours ago, was running on a Movable Type blog. The “new” PBD is running on a WordPress blog. STLQ remains on an MT blog.

STLQ’s feeds were pointing back to PBD. PBD’s feeds were pointing to God knows where. So what have I done to try to fix this, given that I am php- and xml-challenged? I transferred the old PBD posts to the WordPress PBD. I deleted the old PBD site from its Movable Type platform, deleted and then reinstalled (after much weeping and gnashing of teeth) the domain to my server space, and redirected that URI to, to where it was pointing in the first place. (Don’t ask, please…)

In my MT settings, where STLQ lives, I changed the URI from to When I checked the RSS feeds for STLQ in Bloglines, they “seemed” to be working again. However, closer inspection confirmed that only the atom feed is working properly:, and the index.xml feed, while pointing to STLQ, doesn’t produce any feeds.

Plug into Bloglines, and it responds with four feeds that don’t work. Plug into Bloglines, and you get seven feeds, three of which point to STLQ feeds (which I thought no longer existed, as they would now be feeds), and two of which don’t seem to work at all.

It’s not supposed to be this way. I have over 220 subscribers to PBD, and who knows how many on STLQ, now that the feeds have turned to shyte. I am so fed up with this nonsense, and my MT 3.2 installation has been sluggish since the upgrade.

The laughter you hear is coming from the first, fourth and fifth floors of Cameron Library…

Good/Harder Productions Presents: The Librarians’ Emerging Technology Survival Guide

Posted in Libraries, Television, The Web on November 23rd 2005 by Randy Reichardt

.: Tonight after work, I attended a presentation sponsored by GELA, called The Librarians’ Emerging Technology Survival Guide. The presentation was given by my two friends and colleagues, Geoff Harder and Kenton Good. Geoff and Kenton prepared and delivered a whizbang slide presentation built on a Mac iBook G4, and covered a multitude of cutting edge, state-of-the-art technologies that are changing the way we live, learn, enjoy, and interact with each other. The challenge to those attending was to consider the myriad of ways to implement, exploit, manipulate and apply these technologies to the way we run libraries. They mentioned Web 2.0 a number of times, which helped give a context to their presentation. Web 2.0 is the movement that focuses on the web as platform, and most of the innovative technologies covered in their presentation are ones which fit into this description. I also like the idea of Library 2.0, in which the library considers its patrons as participants rather than customers. It’s all about the collaboration!

Geoff and Kenton presented almost 200 slides in 90 minutes, and worked it as a tag team presentation. It was tight, professional, and not too overpowering. They added appropriate and well-received funny bits, and dazzled us with a virtual light show of a presentation. Great work, guys.

.: BTW, I thought tonight’s episode of Lost redeemed itself somewhat over last week’s rather limp presentation. Now we know why Michelle Rodriguez was so into beating the shyte out of everyone around her. One wonders if any of these plebs is without 16 tons of emotional baggage. I suppose not, otherwise the show would run out of flashbacks. And for those who watched the end of tonight’s episode, will there be love in the stars for Kate and Sawyer, and Jack and Ana Lucia? Someone say soap opera?

The 12th and final episode of Rome was brilliant and maddening. While I’m pleased that the show will be back, having to wait until 2007 is a bit much, HBO! Then again, we haven’t seen The Sopranos since 2004, and they don’t return until March 2006.


Posted in Personal, The Web, Weblogs on October 22nd 2005 by Randy Reichardt

.: I’ve been home from NYC for six days, and am still recovering from a minor cold I picked up late in the trip. I stayed home for three days, missing Access 2005, which from all accounts from my colleagues with whom I spoke on Thursday, totally rocked. I attended one day of NetSpeed 2005, and went to work briefly on Friday to teach a class. I’m doing my best to relax this weekend, but feel like I’m falling behind in work that needs to be done around the house.

.: Wikipedia, the free, online Encyclopedia by Committee, is coming under fire for its inconsistency, slipshod editing, and its many flat-out awful entries. Read “Wikipedia founder admits to serious quality problems – Yes it’s garbage, but it’s delivered so much faster!”, from The Register. I don’t think anyone should be surprised that Wikipedia’s quality is uneven and at times, atrocious. The Register article mentioned a post by Nicholas Carr, The amorality of Web 2.0, and it’s worth reading:

In theory, Wikipedia is a beautiful thing – it has to be a beautiful thing if the Web is leading us to a higher consciousness. In reality, though, Wikipedia isn’t very good at all. Certainly, it’s useful – I regularly consult it to get a quick gloss on a subject. But at a factual level it’s unreliable, and the writing is often appalling. I wouldn’t depend on it as a source, and I certainly wouldn’t recommend it to a student writing a research paper.

.: The Great Canadian Blog Survey is available, complied by U of Alberta Masters student Aaron Braaten. Details: “This survey was conducted by over a period of three weeks in September, 2005. It asked bloggers and blog readers various questions that enable in-depth analysis along 25 different variables. Overall, 1146 responses were collected.”


Posted in WordPress on September 1st 2005 by Randy Reichardt

.: As I continue working on a new site format, I have been viewing quite a few WordPress themes on this site. The current theme at the moment is Wuhan Black Letterhead

Eventually, I will migrate the previous PBD entries.


Posted in WordPress on September 1st 2005 by Administrator

A migration from Movable Type 3.2 is taking place, albeit slowly. Please be patient with me. 🙂